Wednesday 4 May 2011

Log 4 Critical reflection on learning across BAPP course

When I first started this course I had no idea how much academic work I was going to do. If someone had told me one year ago that I would conduct a whole project and then write 12,000 words on the process, I would have called them a liar. I have shocked myself in how much I have achieved since doing this course.
When I first started, I was a little apprehensive. I didn’t fully understand how the tasks where benefiting me as work based learner. In reflection however I understand that now because I have never been exposed to this way of learning before and I know now how crucial each stage of this course was in preparing me for my project. I can remember thinking how out of depth I felt. This course has taught me to persist. To try and try again and has broadened all knowledge I have of academic writing skills. I can see how my work has improved along the way and that makes me feel proud. Using blogger was a new experience for me and has been beneficial as I never felt alone in the process. In the past it has been easy for me to get stressed out when it came to academic work and deadlines but using blogger has helped me see all the other people in my situation and that has been comforting.
If I had to pick a part of the course that I enjoyed the most it would probably have to be the planning of the project. It was after all my mixed feelings but before the stress of actually doing the project! Haha.
Each module book has been my bible and now it is all coming to an end there won’t be a handbook to tell me what to do next, instead I will take all the skills I have acquired on and put them to good use in my future career events. I appreciate all the positive support I was shown and without the guidance given to me has allowed me to create a project developing my companies outreach work. Even saying it now it sounds so grown up!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Stephanie,
    Reading your reflection on learning blog I realised that many of your experiences and feelings on completing this course were very similar to mine. I can completely identify with you when you say you have shocked yourself in how much you have achieved as I too have a tendency to under estimate my abilities. I also found that using the blog provided me with invaluable support and I think that for many of us on the course it provided reassurance when we could identify with others struggling with the same things. What really comes across from reading your blog is that the process of learning and completing the final task has resulted in you feeling proud of what you’ve done and that you’ve gained a sense of self achievement, which I am sure is very much deserved. I agree with you that the WBS handbooks have been a wonderful resource and after over a year of reading and referring to them it’ll be difficult to know what to do with the free time! I wish you the very best of luck for your results and congratulate you on completing what has been a trying yet enjoyable experience.
